Is there a chance that you could get 3 secret rares in just one box? Yes. But is there a chance, however small it may be, that you could get a box with no EXs in it? Yes. Logic dictates that you should get about 5 EXs per box. Even for sealed boxes, boosters are still packed randomly, so there is no absolute guarantee that you will get anything, regardless of the ratio. However, it should be known that boxes don't guarantee anything other than rares. Additionally, although BREAKs share approximately the same rarity and pull ratio, they occupy the same "slot" as the reverse holo, so you can pull a BREAK and an EX in the same pack, skewing the ratio slightly. So far, it seems to be: Holo Rare (1:4 9 per box), EX and BREAK(1:8 about 4-5 per box per category), Full Art (about 1:16 about 2 per box), and Secret Rare (1:72 1 per 2 boxes). We aren't really sure what the pull ratio is. I guess my answer can be broken down into two parts.